Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Gilpin, Laura

The Pueblos: A camera chronicle / Laura Gilpin - New York Hastings House 1941, c1925 - 124 p.

Only in recent yeas have we begun to realize the thrilling and amazing history of our great Southwest that our archaeologists are daily unfolding for us--a history "old as Egypt." The basket maker phase of southwestern civilization is believed to have begun at approximately the birth of Christ. The Pueblo culture which followed, continued through a period of some twelve centuries, including the classical period of pueblo and cliff dwellers, its breaking down and decadence after the great drought at the end of the thirteenth century, and the pueblo life of the post-Spanish times to the present day. The remains of the homes of these people are found on mountain tops, in the side of almost inaccessible cliffs, in giant apartment houses eight hundred feet long and five stories high, and in valley villages similar to the contemporary pueblos. Here is the result of many years of travel and exploration of this sector of the United States by one of America's leading photographers. The purpose of this series of pictures and the accompanying text is to present a visual impression of the homes of these ancient peoples and the country in which they lived, together with a glimpse of their present day descendants. It should prove to be a fascinating guide for those who wish to visit the southwest by car, plane, train, horseback, or in an armchair beside the fireplace.--From jacket flap

Pueblo indians --Southwest, New
Antiquities--Southwest, New

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