Gibbon, Edward frey50
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire Volume II by Edward Gibbon - Vol. 41, vol. 2 - Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 855 p. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 41 .
Includes Biographical Note
Rome --History --Empire--30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Byzantine Empire --History--To 527 A.D.
800 Gib 14
The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire Volume II by Edward Gibbon - Vol. 41, vol. 2 - Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 - 855 p. - Great Books of the Western World Vol. 41 .
Includes Biographical Note
Rome --History --Empire--30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Byzantine Empire --History--To 527 A.D.
800 Gib 14