Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Gateway to the Great Books volume 2 Imaginative Literature Edited by Robert M. Hutchins, Mortimer J. Adler and Clifton Fadiman - Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1963 - 551 p. - Gateway to the great books 10 volumes Vol. II .

v. 2. Imaginative Literature --
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe --
Mowgli's Brothers / Rudyard Kipling --
The Battle with the Cannon (from Ninety-three) / Victor Hugo --
Two Friends / Guy De Maupassant --
The Killers / Ernest Hemingway --
The Two Drovers / Walter Scott --
Youth / Joseph Conrad --
Micromegas / Voltaire --
The Happy Prince / Oscar Wilde --
The Tell-Tale Heart / Edgar Allen Poe --
The Masque of the Red Death / Edgar Allen Poe --
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson --
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg / Mark Twain --
A Full and Faithful Report of the Memorable Trial of Bardell against Pickwick (from The Pickwick Papers) / Charles Dickens --
The Overcoat / Nikolai Gogol --
Customs and Opinions of the Erewhonians (from Erewhon) / Samuel Butler --
I'm a Fool / Sherwood Anderson --
Aucassin and Nicolette / Anonymous.

Imaginative Literature -- Stephen Crane -- v. 3.
The Open Boat / Herman Melville --
Billy Budd / Ivan Bunin --
The Gentleman from San Francisco / Nathaniel Hawthorne --
Rappaccini's Daughter / George Eliot --
The Lifted Veil / Lucius Apuleius --
Cupid and Psyche (from The Golden Ass) / Ivan Turgenev --
First Love / Fyodor Dostoevsky --
White Nights / John Galsworthy --
The Apple-Tree / Gustave Flaubert --
The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitaller / F. Scott Fitzgerald --
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz / Honore De Balzac --
A Passion in the Desert / Anton Chekhov --
The Darling / Isaac Singer --
The Spinoza of Market Street / Alexander Pushkin --
The Queen of Spades / D.H. Lawrence --
The Rocking-Horse Winner / Henry James --
The Pupil / Thomas Mann --
Mario and the Magician / Isak Dinesen --
Sorrow-Acre / Leo Tolstoy --
The Death of Ivan Ilyitch / Leo Tolstoy --
The Three Hermits / Leo Tolstoy.
What Men Live By /

Complements Great Books of the Western World; includes only short works and excerpts from longer works


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