Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Lowell, James Russell

Political essays The complete works of James Russell Lowell by James Russell Lowell - New York Fireside Ed. 1864 - 327 p. - The complete works of James Russel Lowess 16 Volumes Vol. V .

V. 1. Fireside travels. --
v. 2. My study windows. --
v. 3-5. Among my books. --
v. 6. Political essays. --
v. 7. Literary and political essays. --
v. 8. Literary essays. The old English dramatists. --
v. 9-13. Poetical works. --
v. 14-16. Letters. The American tract society -- The election in November -- E Pluribus Unum --The Pickens-and-Stealin's Rebellion -- General McClellan's Report -- The rebellion: Its causes and consequences -- McClellan or Lincoln -- Abraham Lincoln -- Reconstruction -- Scotch the snake, or kill it? -- The President of the Stump -- The Seward-Johnson Reaction

--History and criticism.

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