Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Great men & famous women Vol. 6 a series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in history Edited by Charles G. Horne - New York Selmar Hess 1894 - 202 p. - Great men and famous women .

I. Soldiers and sailors.--
II. Statesmen and sages.--
III. Workmen and heroes.--
IV. Artists and authors. Robert Browning - William Cullen Bryant - John Bunvan - Thomas Carlyle - Letter from Carlyl on the " Choice of a profession." -Cervantes -- Thomas Chatterton -- Geoffrey Chaucer -- James Fenimore Cooper -- Dante -- Daniel De Foe - Charles Dickens - Ralph Waldo -- Emerson -- Letter from Emerson is his child n the subject "Health" -- Goethe -- Oliver Wendell Homes -- Homer -Horace -- Victor Hugo -- Washington Irving -- Samuel Johnson -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- John Milton --Moliere -- Plato -- Alexander pope -- Schiller -- Sir Walter Scott -- Letter of Advice --Letter of Scott to his son -- William Shakespeare -- Dean swift -- Torquato Tasso -- Alfred Thennyson Alfred Tennyson -- Virgil; == Voltaire, --William Wordsworth

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