Graff, Stewart
Hernando Cortes A World Explorer Hernando Cortes Stewart Graff: Illustrated by Raymond Burns - Champaign, Illinois Garrard Publishing Company 1970 - 96 p.
A biography of the sixteenth-century Spanish explorer who discovered the Aztec empire
Cortes, Hernando 1485-1547 --Juvenile Literature
29 j972.020924 Gra
Hernando Cortes A World Explorer Hernando Cortes Stewart Graff: Illustrated by Raymond Burns - Champaign, Illinois Garrard Publishing Company 1970 - 96 p.
A biography of the sixteenth-century Spanish explorer who discovered the Aztec empire
Cortes, Hernando 1485-1547 --Juvenile Literature
29 j972.020924 Gra