Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Ramstetter, Mary

Over the mountains of the moon an American novel Mary Ramstetter. - Golden, Colo. : C Lazy Three Press, c1994 - xxxi, 458 p. ; 22 cm. - The El Dorado Trilogy Book 1 . - El Dorado Trilogy .

It should have been a walk in the park. Thorough planning, sound outfitting, and faith would make it so. But the preacher hired the wrong man to take him to Oregon Territory, and that will cost him a wife. The Cheyenne say it was prophesied. The Catholic priest calls it the will of the Lord. As for the bourgeois at Fort Laramie and the army sergeant posted there, they care not whose fault it is. They are just glad to have the pretty woman stop by.

0964328305 9780964328303


Literature & Fiction

Ram 2