Dickerson, George W. frey50
Home Garden Strawberry Production in New Mexico: Guide H-324. Print George W. Dickerson - Las Cruces, NM New Mexico State University 2004 - 7 p. Pamphlet 8 1/2" x 11"
Growing strawberries in the home garden.
Gives descriptions of three types of strawberry plants; planting instructions; soil conditions; harvest information.
Strawberries - home production.
634.75 Dic 19
Home Garden Strawberry Production in New Mexico: Guide H-324. Print George W. Dickerson - Las Cruces, NM New Mexico State University 2004 - 7 p. Pamphlet 8 1/2" x 11"
Growing strawberries in the home garden.
Gives descriptions of three types of strawberry plants; planting instructions; soil conditions; harvest information.
Strawberries - home production.
634.75 Dic 19