Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

City of Bethlehem - Raton, New Mexico 1971 - 2 p Typed

Master list item #: 1

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

2 paged typed report, 2 copies Handwritten note on one of the copies states that the Sign painter was Woodrow W. Ballard and The Courthouse Nativity Scene was constructed by Glenn Karlin.

This report is about the City of Bethlehem done by the Raton Lions Club

King, Bruce--New Mexico Governor

Raton Lions Club

Display History
Christmas Exhibits
Holiday Traditions
Religious Displays
Drive Through Exhibits
Storybook Characters
Christmas Lights

City of Bethlehem
Climax Canyon
Raton, New Mexico

NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - City of Bethlehem 36