Some old notes about the library
- Raton, NM
- 3 page letter, 1 photo, 1 article
Master list item #: 3
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet drawer 3
3 page letter, 1 photo, 1 article The handwritten letter was likely written by Evlyn Shuler, daughter of Dr. J.J Shuler. Reference is made to a handwritten letter by Evlyn Shuler in item # 15 in this file titled " Arthur Johnson Memorial Library - Then and now " Some of the information in item # 15 is the same as what is in the handwritten ;etter.
Envelope contains a handwritten letter of origin of the Carnegie library by unknown author, a tiny photo of a person reading a book inside the library, and a newspaper article with a Christmas poem about a post office
Carnegie Library
Post office--Newspapper Article
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Library File # 1 36
Master list item #: 3
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet drawer 3
3 page letter, 1 photo, 1 article The handwritten letter was likely written by Evlyn Shuler, daughter of Dr. J.J Shuler. Reference is made to a handwritten letter by Evlyn Shuler in item # 15 in this file titled " Arthur Johnson Memorial Library - Then and now " Some of the information in item # 15 is the same as what is in the handwritten ;etter.
Envelope contains a handwritten letter of origin of the Carnegie library by unknown author, a tiny photo of a person reading a book inside the library, and a newspaper article with a Christmas poem about a post office
Carnegie Library
Post office--Newspapper Article
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Library File # 1 36