Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The American Theatre 1969-1970 Theatre 3 - New York, NY International Theatre 1970 - pg. 176 - Theatre 3 .

Kerr, Walter: Empty Hands or Open Arms? Brook, Peter: A Talk with Peter Brook Schechner, Richard: Post Proscenium Lahr, John: A Critical Question Lahr, John: "But We're Not Talking About Grotowski" Clurman, Harold: Again from the Razed Ground: An experience of the Theatre 1920-1970 Gottfried, Martin: Broadway 1969-1970 Ballet, Arthur: The Theatre of Middle America Sullivan, Dan: California or bust: The New Gold Rush Leabo, Karl: By Prescription Only Southern, Hugh: The Great Mail Fraud Fichandler, Zelda: Theatres or Institutions? Kupferberg, Herbert: New York Shakespeare Festival Hays, David: Theatre of the Deaf Campesino, El Teatro: Vietnam Campesion: An Acto MacGregor, Robert: Riding the wild wave Burdick, Elizabeth B.: Bibliography

Theater--United States
American Playwrights


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