Ray, Rachael. frey50
Just in time! : all-new 30-minutes meals, plus super-fast 15-minute meals and slow-it down 60-minute meals / Rachael Ray. - 1st ed. - New York : Clarkson Potter, 2007. - 336 p., [8] p. col. plates : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
The just in time breakdown -- Introduction -- Sammie night: burgers, heroes, clubs, wraps, and pizzas -- Hot pots: stoups, choups, chilis, and stews -- Using your noodle: pasta, noodle bowls, couscous, and baked pastas -- The salad bar: entrǼÆ salads and veggie mains -- I'll have the fish: seafood, fish, and shellfish suppers -- Who you callin' chicken?: the best of the bird, from drumsticks to turkey and eggs -- MMMM! beefy!: steaks, chops, cutlets, and tenderloins.
Presents recipes for over a hundred thirty-minute meals, more than sixty quick-and-easy fifteen-minute meals, and over fifty slow-it-down sixty-minute meals.
9780307383181 (pbk.) 0307383180 (pbk.)
Quick and easy cookery.
Quick and easy cooking.
641.555 Ray 12
Just in time! : all-new 30-minutes meals, plus super-fast 15-minute meals and slow-it down 60-minute meals / Rachael Ray. - 1st ed. - New York : Clarkson Potter, 2007. - 336 p., [8] p. col. plates : ill. ; 23 cm.
Includes index.
The just in time breakdown -- Introduction -- Sammie night: burgers, heroes, clubs, wraps, and pizzas -- Hot pots: stoups, choups, chilis, and stews -- Using your noodle: pasta, noodle bowls, couscous, and baked pastas -- The salad bar: entrǼÆ salads and veggie mains -- I'll have the fish: seafood, fish, and shellfish suppers -- Who you callin' chicken?: the best of the bird, from drumsticks to turkey and eggs -- MMMM! beefy!: steaks, chops, cutlets, and tenderloins.
Presents recipes for over a hundred thirty-minute meals, more than sixty quick-and-easy fifteen-minute meals, and over fifty slow-it-down sixty-minute meals.
9780307383181 (pbk.) 0307383180 (pbk.)
Quick and easy cookery.
Quick and easy cooking.
641.555 Ray 12