Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Hodgkinson, Leigh

Boris and the snoozebox / by Leigh Hodgkinson. - Wilton, CT : Tiger Tales, 2009, c2007. - 1 v. (unpaged) : col. ill. ; 26 x 28 cm.

Originally published in Great Britain, 2007 by Orchard Books with the title: Colin and the snoozebox.

Boris is in desperate need of a long catnap. And a boring cardboard box seems to the perfect place for it. But the cat is suddenly packed up and mailed to many locations, none of which want a cat. After being sent to another planet, Boris suddenly escapes from the box into a wonderful new home.

9781589254213 (pbk.) 158925421X (pbk.)

Postal service
Abandoned cats
Picture books.

jHod 16