Thurlo, Aimee
Never-ending-snake an Ella Clah novel Aimee & David Thurlo. - 1st ed. - New York : Forge, 2010. - 384 p. ; 22 cm. - Ella Clah Book 15 . - An Ella Clah novel .
"A Tom Doherty Associates book."
"Returning to the Navajo Reservation after receiving an offer for a lucrative new position in Washington, D.C., Ella Clah anticipates a cheerful family welcome at the tiny airstrip. What she gets is a firefight--three men in body armor, guns blazing, shooting at anyone who moves. Tribal attorney Kevin Tolino, war hero Nelson Lonewolf, the plane's pilot, and Ella herself duck for cover amid the hail of bullets. Tolino and Lonewolf are seriously injured" --Cover, p. 2.
9780765324504 0765324504
Clah, Ella (Fictitious character)
Police--New Mexico
Navajo Indians
Navajo women
New Mexico
Thu 31
Never-ending-snake an Ella Clah novel Aimee & David Thurlo. - 1st ed. - New York : Forge, 2010. - 384 p. ; 22 cm. - Ella Clah Book 15 . - An Ella Clah novel .
"A Tom Doherty Associates book."
"Returning to the Navajo Reservation after receiving an offer for a lucrative new position in Washington, D.C., Ella Clah anticipates a cheerful family welcome at the tiny airstrip. What she gets is a firefight--three men in body armor, guns blazing, shooting at anyone who moves. Tribal attorney Kevin Tolino, war hero Nelson Lonewolf, the plane's pilot, and Ella herself duck for cover amid the hail of bullets. Tolino and Lonewolf are seriously injured" --Cover, p. 2.
9780765324504 0765324504
Clah, Ella (Fictitious character)
Police--New Mexico
Navajo Indians
Navajo women
New Mexico
Thu 31