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Cezanne and beyond / organized by Joseph J. Rishel and Katherine Sachs ; with essays by Roberta Bernstein ... [et al.]. - Philadelphia, PA : New Haven : Philadelphia Museum of Art ; In Association with Yale University Press, c2009. - xiii, 585 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 34 cm.

"This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Cezanne and beyond, Philadelphia Museum of Art, February 26-May 17, 2009"--T.p. verso.

Foreword / Alice Beamesderfer and Gail Harrity -- Looking back and beyond / Alice Beamesderfer -- The making of an exhibition / Joseph J. Rishel and Katherine Sachs -- Chronology / Adrianne O. Bratis -- La Famille Cezanne / Robert Storr -- Lucky Cezanne (Cezanne Tychique) / Richard Shiff -- Cezanne and Matisse: from apprenticeship to creative misreading / Yve-Alain Bois -- Cezanne and Mondrian: "A new way to express the beauty of nature" / Joop M. Joosten -- Cezanne and Hartley: On sacred ground / Joseph J. Rishel -- Cezanne and Leger: Realizing new sensations / Christopher Green -- Picasso's extreme Cezanne / John Elderfield -- Cezanne, Braque, and pictorial space / John Golding -- A new tradition: Cezanne, Demuth, and the invention of modern watercolor / Mark D. Mitchell -- Cezanne and Beckmann: "A powerful new pictorial architecture" / Anabelle Kienle -- Liubov Popova: From Cezanne to Utopia / Albert Kostenevich -- For the love, and fear, of painting: Cezanne, Morandi, and Italian modernism / Jennie Hirsh -- Cezanne and Giacometti: An odd couple / Carolyn Lanchner -- Learning from "Papa Cezanne": Arshile Gorky and the (self- ) invention of the modern artist / Michael R. Taylor -- Cezanne and Kelly: Painting form through color / Katherine Sachs -- Cezanne and Johns: "At every point in nature there is something to see" / Roberta Bernstein -- Cezanne and Marden: The almost perfect painting / Katherine Sachs -- Jeff-Wall: Within the view(ing), or the spirit of place / Jean-Francois Chevrier.

"The famous proclamation that Cezanne "is the father of us all" has been attributed to both Matisse and Picasso, and his influence has extended to a great diversity of artists thereafter. In this monumental book, a team of distinguished scholars offers the most comprehensive view to date on Cezanne's vital role in shaping European and American art throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. More than forty paintings and ten works on paper by Cezanne-many of his best-known and most admired-are juxtaposed throughout the catalogue with approximately 120 works by a range of modern and contemporary artists who found in Cezanne a central inspiration. They include Max Beckmann, Georges Braque, Charles Demuth, Alberto Giacometti, Arshile Gorky, Marsden Hartley, Fernand Leger, Brice Marden, Piet Mondrian, Giorgio Morandi, Liubov Popova, and Jeff Wall, as well as Picasso, Matisse, Johns, and Kelly. The essays offer insights into the "conversation" between Cezanne and each of these other artists, who stand on a par with his greatness. Among its many features, this book contains conceptual overviews by Richard Shiff and Robert Storr as well as an illustrated chronology." -- Publisher description.

9780876332085 (hardcover) 0876332084 (hardcover) 9780876332092 (pbk.) 0876332092 (pbk.) 9780300141061 (Yale hardcover) 0300141068 (Yale hardcover)


Cezanne, Paul, 1839-1906
Cezanne, Paul, 1839-1906 --Influence
Cezanne, Paul, 1839-1906.

759.4 Cez 13