20160731 frey50
Laws of the State of New Mexico 2011passed by the first session of the fiftieth legislature; Vol. 1, Chapters 1-118. Print - Santa Fe, NM State of New Mexico August 8, 2011 - pp. 1-688 Hardback book
NM C 801.31:2011/v. 1; Prepared for publication by Dianna J. Duran,, Secretary of State.
Laws - New Mexico.
Laws of the State of New Mexico 2011passed by the first session of the fiftieth legislature; Vol. 1, Chapters 1-118. Print - Santa Fe, NM State of New Mexico August 8, 2011 - pp. 1-688 Hardback book
NM C 801.31:2011/v. 1; Prepared for publication by Dianna J. Duran,, Secretary of State.
Laws - New Mexico.