Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Trevelyan, George Otto

American Revolution George Otto Trevelyan; Edited by Richard B. Morris - New York David McKay Company, Inc. 1964 - 580 p

I.: The British policy towards America --
The social condition of Great Britain and the Colonies ; --
II.: The military occupation of Boston --
The difficulties connected with trade and revenue become acute ; --
III.: The state of political parties at Westminster --
Franklin and the letters ; --
IV.: The Penal laws --
Their reception in American ; --
V.: The King and Lord Chatham --
Fox comes to the front --
The American fisheries ; --
VI.: Hostilities become imminent --
Lexington ; --
VII.: Washington ; --
VIII.: Fears for English liberty --
The newspapers --
North and south Britain ; --
IX.: The city of London --
Newcastle-On-Tyne --
The nation and the war ; --
X.: --
The talk of men --
Contemporary historians --
The pamphleteers --
The "calm address" ; --
XI.: European public opinion --
Choiseul --
Vergennes --
Turgot ; --
XII.: Beaumarchais --
Frederic of Prussia --
Franklin in Paris --
The French treaties ; --
XIII.: The King's policy --
Personal government --
Lord Chatham --
The seventh of April ; --
XIV.: Fox and the French War --
The habits of society --
Personal popularity of Fox ; --
XV.: Burke and the Indians --
The power of the Crown --
Burke and Bristol ; --
XVI. The League of neutrals --
The plight of the nation ; --
XVII. The county associations --
The Lords Lieutenants ; --
XVIII.: Fox and Adam --
Economical reform --
The Dunning Resolution ; --
XIX.: The Gordon Riots --
The general election ; --
XX.: The beginning of the end --
The twenty-seventh of March.


Revolution--United States--1775-1783--Great Britain--United States

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