Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Charles, Veronika

It's not about the rose! It is not about the rose! Rose! Veronika Martenova Charles ; illustrated by David Parkins. - Toronto : Tundra Books, c2010. - 64 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - Easy-to-read wonder tales .

3 short stories based on Beauty and the beast tales from around the world.

Bella and the beast (Beauty and the beast from Europe) -- The lizard (Beauty and the beast from Indonesia) -- The white bear (Beauty and the beast from Norway)

Presents three stories that are adaptations of the classic tale of "Beauty and the Beast" in which through her great capacity to love, a kind and beautiful maid releases a handsome prince from the spell which has made him an ugly beast.

9780887769542 0887769543

Beauty and the beast (Tale)
Fairy tales.
Children's stories, Canadian (English)
Belle et la bete (Conte)
Contes de fees.
Histoires pour enfants canadiennes-anglaises.
Fairy tales.

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