Charles, Veronika Martenova
It's not about the hunter! Hunter! Veronika Martenova Charles ; illustrated by David Parkins. - Toronto : Tundra Books, c2010. - 56 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - Easy-to-read wonder tales .
3 short stories based on Little Red Riding Hood tales from around the world.
Little Red Hood (Red Riding Hood from France) -- False Grandmother (Red Riding Hood from Italy) -- Grandmother Wolf (Red Riding Hood from China).
Presents three stories that are adaptations of the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood in which a young girl, thinking that she is visiting her grandmother, is eaten by a wolf and rescued by a hunter who kills the wolf by cutting open his stomach.
9780887769481 0887769489
Little Red Riding Hood (Tale)
Fairy tales.
Children's stories, Canadian (English)
Petit chaperon rouge (Conte)
Contes de fees.
Histoires pour enfants canadiennes-anglaises.
Fairy tales.
jCha 78
It's not about the hunter! Hunter! Veronika Martenova Charles ; illustrated by David Parkins. - Toronto : Tundra Books, c2010. - 56 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - Easy-to-read wonder tales .
3 short stories based on Little Red Riding Hood tales from around the world.
Little Red Hood (Red Riding Hood from France) -- False Grandmother (Red Riding Hood from Italy) -- Grandmother Wolf (Red Riding Hood from China).
Presents three stories that are adaptations of the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood in which a young girl, thinking that she is visiting her grandmother, is eaten by a wolf and rescued by a hunter who kills the wolf by cutting open his stomach.
9780887769481 0887769489
Little Red Riding Hood (Tale)
Fairy tales.
Children's stories, Canadian (English)
Petit chaperon rouge (Conte)
Contes de fees.
Histoires pour enfants canadiennes-anglaises.
Fairy tales.
jCha 78