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Larousse world mythology / edited by Pierre Grimal. - New York : Excalibur Books, 1981, c1965. - 560 p. : ill., col. plates. ; 30 cm.
Translation "from Mythologies de la Mediterranee au Gange and Mythologies des steppes, des iles et des forets." Includes indexes.
Introduction: man and myth / P. Grimal -- The problem of prehistoric religions / A. Varagnac -- Egypt: syncretism and state religion / B. Van de Walle -- Empires of the ancient near east: the hymns of creation / M. Vieyra -- Western Semitic lands: the idea of the supreme God / A. Caquot -- Greece: myth and logic / P. Grimal -- Rome: gods by conquest / P. Grimal -- Persia: cosmic dualism / J. De Menasce -- India: the eternal cycle -- China: the struggle for power / M. Soymie -- Japan: cults and ceremonies / E.D. Saunders, B. Frank -- Celtic lands: myth in history / G. Roth, P.M. Duval -- Germanic lands: the mortal gods / P. Grappin -- Slav countries: folk-lore of the forests / A. Gieysztor -- Baltic lands: nature worship / A. Gieysztor -- Finland-Ugria: magic animals / A. Sauvageot -- Siberia: the three worlds / E. Lot-Falck -- Eskimo lands: man against nature / E. Lot-Falck -- North America: spirits of good and evil / M. Bouteiller -- Central America: gods of sacrifice / M. Simoni -- South America: creation and destruction / A. Metraux -- Oceania: society and tradition / A. M. Panoff -- Africa: magic and symbolism / R. Bastide.
0896731022 9780896731028
291 Lar 8
Larousse world mythology / edited by Pierre Grimal. - New York : Excalibur Books, 1981, c1965. - 560 p. : ill., col. plates. ; 30 cm.
Translation "from Mythologies de la Mediterranee au Gange and Mythologies des steppes, des iles et des forets." Includes indexes.
Introduction: man and myth / P. Grimal -- The problem of prehistoric religions / A. Varagnac -- Egypt: syncretism and state religion / B. Van de Walle -- Empires of the ancient near east: the hymns of creation / M. Vieyra -- Western Semitic lands: the idea of the supreme God / A. Caquot -- Greece: myth and logic / P. Grimal -- Rome: gods by conquest / P. Grimal -- Persia: cosmic dualism / J. De Menasce -- India: the eternal cycle -- China: the struggle for power / M. Soymie -- Japan: cults and ceremonies / E.D. Saunders, B. Frank -- Celtic lands: myth in history / G. Roth, P.M. Duval -- Germanic lands: the mortal gods / P. Grappin -- Slav countries: folk-lore of the forests / A. Gieysztor -- Baltic lands: nature worship / A. Gieysztor -- Finland-Ugria: magic animals / A. Sauvageot -- Siberia: the three worlds / E. Lot-Falck -- Eskimo lands: man against nature / E. Lot-Falck -- North America: spirits of good and evil / M. Bouteiller -- Central America: gods of sacrifice / M. Simoni -- South America: creation and destruction / A. Metraux -- Oceania: society and tradition / A. M. Panoff -- Africa: magic and symbolism / R. Bastide.
0896731022 9780896731028
291 Lar 8