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Nanotechnology / Jacqueline Langwith, book editor. - Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, 2009. - 283 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Opposing viewpoints series . - .
What are the benefits of nanotechnology? Nanotechnology has the potential to provide significant benefits despite concerns / Roger W. Whatmore ; Nanotechnology is just a marketing term / Adolfo Gutierrez ; Nanotechnology concerns currently outweigh any potential benefits / Michael Buerger ; Nanotechnology can benefit the environment / Barnaby J. Feder ; Nanotechnology's health and environmental impacts are unknown / Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ; Nanotechnology can improve global equity / Peter Singer, Fabio Salamanca-Buentello, and Abdallah S. Daar ; Nanotechnology will cause global inequity / Georgia Miller and Rye Senjen -- What are the implications of molecular nanotechnology? Molecular manufacturing is possible / Eric Drexler ; Molecular manufacturing is impossible / William Illsey Atkinson ; Molecular nanotechnology can bring abundance to all mankind / Steven G. Burgess ; Molecular nanotechnology will lead to the end of the world / Britt Gillette ; Nanotechnology will contribute to a "singularity" / James John Bell ; Nanotechnology will not contribute to a "singularity" / Richard Jones -- What are the implications of nanomedicine? Nanotechnology will revolutionize medicine / Alan H. Goldstein ; Nanomedicine needs realistic goals / Kostas Kostarelos ; The ethical implications of nanomedicine must be considered / Raj Bawa and Summer Johnson ; Nanomedicine will reshape humanity for the better / George Dvorsky, as told to Laura Sheahen ; Nanomedicine can hurt humanity / Nigel Cameron, as told to Laura Sheahen -- What role should the U.S. play in promoting or regulating nanotechnology? The U.S. government should fund nanotechnology research / Jacob Heller and Christine Peterson ; The U.S. government should not fund nanotechnology research / Declan McCullagh ; The U.S. government should stay out of nanotechnology research / Sigrid Fry-Revere ; New nanotechnology regulations are not urgently needed / Sonia Arrison ; The government can protect the public from hazardous nanotech products / Jeff Bromme.
A series of essays that express various perspectives on the concerns over the toxicity and environmental impact of nanotechnology and its potential effects on global economics.
9780737743869 (hc) 0737743867 (hc) 9780737743852 (pbk.) 0737743859 (pbk.)
Nanotechnology--Moral and ethical aspects.
Nanostructured materials.
y620.5 Nan 55
Nanotechnology / Jacqueline Langwith, book editor. - Detroit, MI : Greenhaven Press, 2009. - 283 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Opposing viewpoints series . - .
What are the benefits of nanotechnology? Nanotechnology has the potential to provide significant benefits despite concerns / Roger W. Whatmore ; Nanotechnology is just a marketing term / Adolfo Gutierrez ; Nanotechnology concerns currently outweigh any potential benefits / Michael Buerger ; Nanotechnology can benefit the environment / Barnaby J. Feder ; Nanotechnology's health and environmental impacts are unknown / Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution ; Nanotechnology can improve global equity / Peter Singer, Fabio Salamanca-Buentello, and Abdallah S. Daar ; Nanotechnology will cause global inequity / Georgia Miller and Rye Senjen -- What are the implications of molecular nanotechnology? Molecular manufacturing is possible / Eric Drexler ; Molecular manufacturing is impossible / William Illsey Atkinson ; Molecular nanotechnology can bring abundance to all mankind / Steven G. Burgess ; Molecular nanotechnology will lead to the end of the world / Britt Gillette ; Nanotechnology will contribute to a "singularity" / James John Bell ; Nanotechnology will not contribute to a "singularity" / Richard Jones -- What are the implications of nanomedicine? Nanotechnology will revolutionize medicine / Alan H. Goldstein ; Nanomedicine needs realistic goals / Kostas Kostarelos ; The ethical implications of nanomedicine must be considered / Raj Bawa and Summer Johnson ; Nanomedicine will reshape humanity for the better / George Dvorsky, as told to Laura Sheahen ; Nanomedicine can hurt humanity / Nigel Cameron, as told to Laura Sheahen -- What role should the U.S. play in promoting or regulating nanotechnology? The U.S. government should fund nanotechnology research / Jacob Heller and Christine Peterson ; The U.S. government should not fund nanotechnology research / Declan McCullagh ; The U.S. government should stay out of nanotechnology research / Sigrid Fry-Revere ; New nanotechnology regulations are not urgently needed / Sonia Arrison ; The government can protect the public from hazardous nanotech products / Jeff Bromme.
A series of essays that express various perspectives on the concerns over the toxicity and environmental impact of nanotechnology and its potential effects on global economics.
9780737743869 (hc) 0737743867 (hc) 9780737743852 (pbk.) 0737743859 (pbk.)
Nanotechnology--Moral and ethical aspects.
Nanostructured materials.
y620.5 Nan 55