Heavy nuggets, vol. 2 15 hard hard rock gems from the British underground
Mojo presents "Heavy Nuggets" Heavy nuggets
sel. by Phil Alexander ; corralled by Dave Henderson.
- [UK] : Mojo, [2013]
- 1 cd.
Rugtitel: Mojo presents "Heavy Nuggets" vol. 2. Verschenen als bijlage bij: Mojo, jun. 2013. Bevat o.a.: 1: Jay time / Bullet. 2: Nobody / Freedom. 3: Lame / The Incredible Hog. 4: Listen to the silence / Blossom Toes. 5: Cries from the midnight circus / The Pretty Things.
Hea 72
Rugtitel: Mojo presents "Heavy Nuggets" vol. 2. Verschenen als bijlage bij: Mojo, jun. 2013. Bevat o.a.: 1: Jay time / Bullet. 2: Nobody / Freedom. 3: Lame / The Incredible Hog. 4: Listen to the silence / Blossom Toes. 5: Cries from the midnight circus / The Pretty Things.
Hea 72