20160731 frey50
Laws of the State of New Mexico: Chs. 1-5 (1st Sp. Sess); Chs. 1-64 (2nd Sess) . Print Laws of New Mexico. - Santa Fe, NM State Publications Program, State of New Mexico Jun 18, 2012 - 1044 p. Hardback book. - Laws of the State of New Mexico .
Prepared for publication by Dianna J. Duran, Secretary of State.
On title page: "Laws of the State of New Mexico passed by the First Special Session of the Fiftieth Legislature, State of New Mexico, which convened in the city of Santa Fe, at the Capitol at the Hour of 12:00 Noon on the 6th day of September 2011, and adjourned on the 24th day of September 2011."
--Laws - New Mexico.
Laws of the State of New Mexico: Chs. 1-5 (1st Sp. Sess); Chs. 1-64 (2nd Sess) . Print Laws of New Mexico. - Santa Fe, NM State Publications Program, State of New Mexico Jun 18, 2012 - 1044 p. Hardback book. - Laws of the State of New Mexico .
Prepared for publication by Dianna J. Duran, Secretary of State.
On title page: "Laws of the State of New Mexico passed by the First Special Session of the Fiftieth Legislature, State of New Mexico, which convened in the city of Santa Fe, at the Capitol at the Hour of 12:00 Noon on the 6th day of September 2011, and adjourned on the 24th day of September 2011."
--Laws - New Mexico.