Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

Living with bipolar disorder a guide for individuals and families - Updated ed. - New York Oxford University Press c2011. - ix, 137 p. 23 cm.

Includes index.

Part 1: Understanding bipolar disorder and its treatment: -- Introduction -- Description of bipolar disorder -- Medication names and common dosages -- Getting in the habit of taking medications. -- Psychotherapy for bipolar disorder -- Bipolar disorder in adolescents and children. -- Part 2. Managing your disorder: -- Stress and schedule management -- Attention to thinking biases -- Relationships and communication skills -- Managing irritability and anger -- Focusing on life goals -- Mood charting -- Creating a treatment contract -- Improving wellbeing.

This book is designed to help patients and their families develop the skills they need to be good consumers of treatment and to become expert partners in the management of this challenging disorder. Drawing on research documenting the strength of combining drug treatments with behavioral interventions for fighting bipolar disorder, the authors of this book take a skill-based, family-and-friends approach to managing the ups and downs commonly experienced with bipolar disorder. Readers will learn how to better recognize mood shifts before they happen, minimize their impact, and move on with their lives.

9780199782024 0199782024


Manic-depressive illness
Manic-depressive illness--Treatment.
Manic-depressive illness
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder--therapy.
Manic-depressive illness.
Manic-depressive illness--Treatment.

616.895 Liv 12