Sekulow, Jay,
Rise of ISIS : a threat we can't ignore Jay Sekulow ; with The ACLJ Law Of War Team, Jordan Sekulow, Robert W. Ash, and David French. - New York Howard Books 2014 - xi, 128 pages ; 22 cm
Adapted in part from a series of pepers presented by Jay Sekulow in July 2014 at Oxford University's History, Politics, and Society program on Religion and Politics in the Middle East.
The horror of jihad -- The rise of Isis and the new calilphate -- ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army -- Hamas: architects of eternal jihad -- Hamas: Israel's most restless enemy -- Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah then launches war -- Waging warfare: the U.N. tries to transform our souldiers into war criminals -- The 2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? -- Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war -- The stakes could not be higher -- Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad.
Horror of jihad -- Foreword --
Rise of Isis and the new caliphate -- Acknowledgments --
ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army -- Notes.
Hamas: architects of eternal jihad --
Hamas: Israel's most relentless enemy --
Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah, then launches war --
Waging lawfare: the UN tries to transform our soldiers into war criminals --
2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? --
Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war --
Stakes could not be higher --
Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad --
Link to a song by the Jay Sekulow Band --
Foreword --
Horror of jihad --
Rise of Isis and the new caliphate --
ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army --
Hamas: architects of eternal jihad --
Hamas: Israel's most relentless enemy --
Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah, then launches war --
Waging lawfare: the UN tries to transform our soldiers into war criminals --
2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? --
Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war --
Stakes could not be higher --
Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad --
Acknowledgments --
Link to a song by the Jay Sekulow Band --
The world's wealthiest and most powerful jihadists, ISIS originated within Al Qaeda with the goal of creating an Islamic state across Iraq and Syria and unrelenting jihad on Christians. This book gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror, and provides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures.
9781501105135 (pbk.) 1501105132 (pbk.) 9781501105142 (hbk.) 1501105140 (hbk.) 1501105132 (pbk.)
IS (Organization)
Terrorism--Middle East.
Terrorism -- Islam.--Religious aspect
Middle East--History--21st century.
956.054 Sek 15
Rise of ISIS : a threat we can't ignore Jay Sekulow ; with The ACLJ Law Of War Team, Jordan Sekulow, Robert W. Ash, and David French. - New York Howard Books 2014 - xi, 128 pages ; 22 cm
Adapted in part from a series of pepers presented by Jay Sekulow in July 2014 at Oxford University's History, Politics, and Society program on Religion and Politics in the Middle East.
The horror of jihad -- The rise of Isis and the new calilphate -- ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army -- Hamas: architects of eternal jihad -- Hamas: Israel's most restless enemy -- Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah then launches war -- Waging warfare: the U.N. tries to transform our souldiers into war criminals -- The 2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? -- Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war -- The stakes could not be higher -- Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad.
Horror of jihad -- Foreword --
Rise of Isis and the new caliphate -- Acknowledgments --
ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army -- Notes.
Hamas: architects of eternal jihad --
Hamas: Israel's most relentless enemy --
Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah, then launches war --
Waging lawfare: the UN tries to transform our soldiers into war criminals --
2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? --
Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war --
Stakes could not be higher --
Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad --
Link to a song by the Jay Sekulow Band --
Foreword --
Horror of jihad --
Rise of Isis and the new caliphate --
ISIS: the world's most ruthless and powerful jihadist army --
Hamas: architects of eternal jihad --
Hamas: Israel's most relentless enemy --
Hamas creates a unity government with Fatah, then launches war --
Waging lawfare: the UN tries to transform our soldiers into war criminals --
2014 Gaza War: who are the real war criminals? --
Hamas systematically and intentionally violated the law of war --
Stakes could not be higher --
Oppose, don't appease: the way forward against jihad --
Acknowledgments --
Link to a song by the Jay Sekulow Band --
The world's wealthiest and most powerful jihadists, ISIS originated within Al Qaeda with the goal of creating an Islamic state across Iraq and Syria and unrelenting jihad on Christians. This book gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror, and provides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures.
9781501105135 (pbk.) 1501105132 (pbk.) 9781501105142 (hbk.) 1501105140 (hbk.) 1501105132 (pbk.)
IS (Organization)
Terrorism--Middle East.
Terrorism -- Islam.--Religious aspect
Middle East--History--21st century.
956.054 Sek 15