Johansen, Iris
Sight unseen a novel Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen - Center Point Large Print edition. - 431 pages (large print) ; 23 cm - Kendra Michaels Series Book 2 .
"Someone is killing people in ways that mirror Kendra Michaels's most notorious cases and Kendra must come face to face with her most ruthless enemy"--
9781628992335 (large print : library binding : alk. paper) 1628992336 (large print : library binding : alk. paper)
Traffic accident investigation
Women--Psychic ability
Large type books.
Paranormal fiction.
Large type books.
Joh 38
Sight unseen a novel Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen - Center Point Large Print edition. - 431 pages (large print) ; 23 cm - Kendra Michaels Series Book 2 .
"Someone is killing people in ways that mirror Kendra Michaels's most notorious cases and Kendra must come face to face with her most ruthless enemy"--
9781628992335 (large print : library binding : alk. paper) 1628992336 (large print : library binding : alk. paper)
Traffic accident investigation
Women--Psychic ability
Large type books.
Paranormal fiction.
Large type books.
Joh 38