Vitti, Alisa. frey50
Woman code : perfect your cycle, amplify your fertility, supercharge your sex drive, and become a power source / WomanCode Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP. - First edition. - New York Harper One 2014 - xii, 319 pages : illustrations, 24 cm
Unlocking your WomanCode. Putting an end to your suffering. Period ; When bad hormones happen to good women ; Girl meets body -- The WomanCode protocol. Access your healing code ; From vicious cycle to delicious cycle ; Life happens : WomanCode survival strategies -- Becoming a power sources. Optimize your fertility ; Supercharge your sex drive ; Commit to the feminine force within ; Staying in the FLO -- Appendixes. Alisa's medicine cabinet ; WomanCode-approved products ; Medicinal foods for hormonal symptoms.
Holistic health coach Alisa Vitti teaches you her method to get your hormones to work for you, not against you, to eliminate problems with your period, improve your fertility, and get your body, mood, and sex drive back.
9780062130778 0062130773 9780062130792 (paperback) 006213079X (paperback)
Menstrual cycle.
Fertility, Human.
Women--Sexual behavior.
Fertility, Human.
Menstrual cycle.
Women--Sexual behavior.
618.1 Vit 12
Woman code : perfect your cycle, amplify your fertility, supercharge your sex drive, and become a power source / WomanCode Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP. - First edition. - New York Harper One 2014 - xii, 319 pages : illustrations, 24 cm
Unlocking your WomanCode. Putting an end to your suffering. Period ; When bad hormones happen to good women ; Girl meets body -- The WomanCode protocol. Access your healing code ; From vicious cycle to delicious cycle ; Life happens : WomanCode survival strategies -- Becoming a power sources. Optimize your fertility ; Supercharge your sex drive ; Commit to the feminine force within ; Staying in the FLO -- Appendixes. Alisa's medicine cabinet ; WomanCode-approved products ; Medicinal foods for hormonal symptoms.
Holistic health coach Alisa Vitti teaches you her method to get your hormones to work for you, not against you, to eliminate problems with your period, improve your fertility, and get your body, mood, and sex drive back.
9780062130778 0062130773 9780062130792 (paperback) 006213079X (paperback)
Menstrual cycle.
Fertility, Human.
Women--Sexual behavior.
Fertility, Human.
Menstrual cycle.
Women--Sexual behavior.
618.1 Vit 12