Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Family photos Family photos Jughead with Archie in Family photos edited by Nelson Ribeiro & Victor Gorelick. - Library bound ed. - Edina, Minnisota Spotlight, 2007. - 80 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm. - The Archie digest library .

Revision of issue no. 188 (Jan. 2004) of Judghead with Archie digest magazine. "The likenesses of the original Archie characters were created by Bob Montana."--Title page verso.

Not two of a kind? -- Day in the snow -- ABC's of Jug -- Big switch -- Horoscope happenings -- Better or voice -- Soiree about that -- Magic hayhem -- Who put the rat in Tatatouille? -- uy magnet -- Ears have it -- Snow brainer -- Creaturews of habit -- Snaps from Juhhead's photo album -- Christmas misgivings.

Jughead is the wackiest character in Riverdale! Discover the wit and extraordinary talent Jughead is higing.

9781599612737 1599612739


Andrews, Archie (Fictitious character)
High school students
Graphic novels.
Comic books, strips, etc.

j741.5973 Fam 27