Monthan, Guy
Nacimientos : nativity scenes by Southwest Indian artisans = Weihnachtskrippen von indianischen Kunsthandwerkern des Sudwestens = Nacimientos hechos por artistas indios del Suroeste / by Guy and Doris Monthan. - 2nd ed. - Albuquerque, N.M. : Avanyu Pub., 1990. - xiv, 93 pages : illustrations (color illustrations) ; 23 cm
English, German, and Spanish.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 91-92) and index.
0936755164 9780936755168
bimoBNE19931176690 SpMaBN
Creches (Nativity scenes)--Southwest, New.
Santos (Art)--Southwest, New.
Indian pottery--Southwest, New.
Ceramica indigena americana--Estados Unidos.
Southwest, New.
NK4695.S26 / M66 1990
738.820897079 Mon 88
Nacimientos : nativity scenes by Southwest Indian artisans = Weihnachtskrippen von indianischen Kunsthandwerkern des Sudwestens = Nacimientos hechos por artistas indios del Suroeste / by Guy and Doris Monthan. - 2nd ed. - Albuquerque, N.M. : Avanyu Pub., 1990. - xiv, 93 pages : illustrations (color illustrations) ; 23 cm
English, German, and Spanish.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 91-92) and index.
0936755164 9780936755168
bimoBNE19931176690 SpMaBN
Creches (Nativity scenes)--Southwest, New.
Santos (Art)--Southwest, New.
Indian pottery--Southwest, New.
Ceramica indigena americana--Estados Unidos.
Southwest, New.
NK4695.S26 / M66 1990
738.820897079 Mon 88