McBride, Carol
Engineer this! 10 amazing projects for young mechanical engineers by Carol J. McBride & Francisco L. Gonzales ; illustrations by Eliza Bolli, photos by Michael Samaripa. - Waco, Texas Prufrock Press Inc. [2017 - vii, 139 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm Print
Includes bibliographical references (page 135).
Turn trash into invention and sharpen your engineering eye with these 15 hands-on engineering projects. Using recycled and easy-to-find materials, engineer your own motor car, propeller boat, catapult, Ferris wheel, and other completely functional machines. Each project includes step-by-step instructions, full-color photos, exciting facts, safety tips, and extended engineering and science activities for further discovery.
9 - 12 years
9781618216298 1618216295
Machinery--Amateurs' manuals--Juvenile literature.
Mechanical engineering--Juvenile literature.
TJ147 / .M349 2017
j621 McB 26
Engineer this! 10 amazing projects for young mechanical engineers by Carol J. McBride & Francisco L. Gonzales ; illustrations by Eliza Bolli, photos by Michael Samaripa. - Waco, Texas Prufrock Press Inc. [2017 - vii, 139 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm Print
Includes bibliographical references (page 135).
Turn trash into invention and sharpen your engineering eye with these 15 hands-on engineering projects. Using recycled and easy-to-find materials, engineer your own motor car, propeller boat, catapult, Ferris wheel, and other completely functional machines. Each project includes step-by-step instructions, full-color photos, exciting facts, safety tips, and extended engineering and science activities for further discovery.
9 - 12 years
9781618216298 1618216295
Machinery--Amateurs' manuals--Juvenile literature.
Mechanical engineering--Juvenile literature.
TJ147 / .M349 2017
j621 McB 26