Krueger, William Kent
Copper River William Kent Krueger - Atria pbk. ed. - New York Atria Books 2009. - 387 pages 21 cm. - Cork O'Connor Mystery Book 6 . - Cork O'Connor mystery .
On the run from hitmen, sheriff Cork O'Connor hides out at an old resort, owned by his cousin Jewell DuBois, on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
9781439157817 1439157812
O'Connor, Cork (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Private investigators--Michigan--Fiction.
Detective and mystery stories.
Kru 30
Copper River William Kent Krueger - Atria pbk. ed. - New York Atria Books 2009. - 387 pages 21 cm. - Cork O'Connor Mystery Book 6 . - Cork O'Connor mystery .
On the run from hitmen, sheriff Cork O'Connor hides out at an old resort, owned by his cousin Jewell DuBois, on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
9781439157817 1439157812
O'Connor, Cork (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Private investigators--Michigan--Fiction.
Detective and mystery stories.
Kru 30