The story of Burnt Njal from the Icelandic of the Njals saga
Translated by George Webbe Dasent; Editors Rasmus B. Anderson and J.W. Buel
- New York 1911 Norrcena Society
- 311 p.
- Norrcena Anglo-Saxon Classics 15 Volumes Vol. X .
Editor's prefatory note -- Sir George Dasent's Preface -- Sir George Dasent's introduction -- Icelandic Chronology -- The story of Burnt Njal
Njáll Þorgursson approximately 930-1011
839.6 Sto / 14
839.6 Sto
Editor's prefatory note -- Sir George Dasent's Preface -- Sir George Dasent's introduction -- Icelandic Chronology -- The story of Burnt Njal
Njáll Þorgursson approximately 930-1011
839.6 Sto / 14
839.6 Sto