Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Smith, Craig

The dinky donkey Craig Smith ; illustrations by Katz Cowley. - Auckland, New Zealand : Scholastic New Zealand Limited, 2019. - 1 volume (unpaged) : colour illustrations ; 25 cm

Picture story book for children. "Download or strem the Dinky song!"-- Cover.

"Wonky Donkey has a daughter with the same rambunctious spirit as her dad ... This adorable pint-sized donkey has beautiful long eyelashes, loves to listen to rowdy music, has a very cool spiky haircut ... and sometimes smells a bit bad (like her Dad!) She's a blinky, punky, stinky ... you know how it goes ... dinky donkey!"--Publisher information.

9781338600834 1338600834

019530737 Uk

Donkeys--Pictorial works--Juvenile fiction.
Donkeys--Songs and music--Texts.
Donkeys - Fiction.

PZ8.3.S64916 / Di 2019

jSmi 16