Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Cimino Brothers Ford-Chrysler - Raton, NM Raton Range Septermber 25, 1992 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range September 25, 1992 Hometown Heritage .

Master list item #: 4

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + Photograph of cars

Article Spotlight on Raton's Family Owned Businesses and a brief history of how it started.

Cimino, Nick ?-1973 --Owner
Cimino, Frank--Owner
Cimino, Frank Sr.--Owner
Cimino, Larry--Owner
Cimino, Phil--Owner

Cimino Brothers Ford and Chrysler

Local Business
Family Owned Business
Motor Vehicles

Raton, NM

New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Business 36