Wonderful Wonderland
- Raton, NM Raton Range January 19,1999
- 1 p. Newspaper Article
- Raton Range January 19, 1999 .
Master list item #: 18
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article + photograph of Joe Apache, Virgil and Virginia Bucarini.
Article is to show appreciation to Virgil and Virginia Buscarini for the annual set up of the Winter Wonderland display.
Apache, Joe--Mayor
Buscarini, Virgil
Buscarini, Virginia
Winter Wonderland Display
Certificates of appreciation
Christmas Displays
Holiday Traditions
Raton, New Mexico
NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - City of Bethlehem 36
Master list item #: 18
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article + photograph of Joe Apache, Virgil and Virginia Bucarini.
Article is to show appreciation to Virgil and Virginia Buscarini for the annual set up of the Winter Wonderland display.
Apache, Joe--Mayor
Buscarini, Virgil
Buscarini, Virginia
Winter Wonderland Display
Certificates of appreciation
Christmas Displays
Holiday Traditions
Raton, New Mexico
NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - City of Bethlehem 36