Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Hoyt, Erich,

Strange sea creatures Erich Hoyt. - Buffalo, New York : Firefly Books, 2020. - 111 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm Hardback book.

Includes index.

The blackwater vertical migrators. Surface waters of the ocean at night -- Masters of the language of light. Shallow to deep dark waters -- The bottom dwellers. The continental shelf to the abyssal plain -- Reflections from the surface -- Glossary -- Index..

"Marine researchers discover new ocean creatures every day, especially at its deepest depths. From the author of Weird Sea Creatures, Creatures of the Deep and numerous other books about the ocean and the animals that live there, comes a new title about some of the most unusual marine life forms. The book organizes the creatures into three parts based on where they live in the ocean. Each part has representatives from the classes in the marine animal kingdom (e.g., fish, crustaceans, jellyfish and siphonophores, squids, tunicates and other invertebrates). Informative captions accompany the 90 gorgeous photographs of otherworldly creatures. Part 1: Surface Waters of the Ocean at Night: The Blackwater Vertical Migrators In images taken by dedicated blackwater photographers Linda Ianniello and Susan Mears, these are mostly larval creatures from the middle to deep waters which are on their vertical nightly migration to the upper waters to feed. 2: Middle to Deep Dark Waters: Masters of the Language of Light In this perpetual night, survival is a matter of being able to understand and process light signals, some in different colors, some flashing, some faint. The sea creatures here are small and sometimes bioluminescent. Photographer David Shale travelled with BBC Blue Planet and other expeditions to photograph these deep sea creatures., while photographers Solvin Zankl, Alexander Semenov and others brought their own dedication to expeditions in the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Part 3. The Continental Shelf to the Abyssal Plain: The Bottom Dwellers This part of the sea has fewer fish, and is populated by such alien-like creatures as no-eyed or tripod fish, sea cucumbers, as well as basket stars, crabs, and worms with species varying by depth and location. There is an introduction to each part of the book describing what makes the ocean waters at that depth unique, and why it is home to specific types of sea life. The photographs were taken in the ocean by expert divers/underwater photographers. They are presented showing the creatures vividly against a background as black as the ocean's depths. "--

9780228102977 0228102979

019983136 Uk

Marine animals.
Deep-sea animals.
Sea monsters.
Abyssal zone.

QL122 / .H69 2020 QL121 / .H69 2020

591.77 Hoy 11