Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Veenema, Tener Goodwin

Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness for chemical, biological, and radiological terrorism and other hazards Tener Goodwin Veenema, PhD, MPH, MS, RN, FAAN, editor. - Third edition. - New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2013. - xxxiii, 764 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm Paperbound book.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Disaster preparedness. Essentials of disaster planning -- Leadership and coordination in disaster health care systems: the U.S. National response framework -- Emergency health services -- Hospital and emergency department preparedness -- Human services in disasters and public health emergencies: social disruption, individual empowerment, and community resilience -- Disaster mental health. Understanding the psychosocial impact of disasters -- Management of the psychosocial effects of disasters -- American Red Cross disaster health services and disaster nursing: national capability-local community impact -- Disaster management. Legal and ethical issues in disaster response -- Crisis communication: the role of the media -- Disaster management -- Disaster triage -- Emergency medical consequence planning for special events, mass gatherings, and mass casualty incidents -- Management of burn mass casualty incidents -- Traumatic injury due to explosives and blast effects -- Global disasters and complex human emergencies. Natural disasters -- Restoring public health under disaster conditions: basic sanitation, water and food supply, and shelter -- Climate change and the nurse's role in policy and practice -- Environmental disasters and emergencies -- Complex humanitarian emergencies -- Disaster relief nursing in the 21st century -- Disasters caused by chemical, biological, and radiological agents. Biological and chemical terrorism: a unique threat -- Surveillance systems for detection of biological events -- Biological agents of concern -- Early recognition and detection of biological events -- Infectious disease emergencies -- Medical countermeasures dispensing -- Chemical agents of concern -- Decontamination and personal protective equipment -- Radiological incidents and emergencies -- High-risk high-vulnerability populations. Identifying and accommodating high-risk, high-vulnerability populations in disasters -- Unique needs of children during disasters and other public health emergencies -- Disaster nursing in schools and other community congregate child care settings -- Care of the pregnant woman and newborn following a disaster -- Caring for patients with HIV and AIDS following a disaster -- Special topics in disasters. Information technology in disaster management -- National nurse preparedness: achieving competency-based practice -- The role of the public health nurse in disaster response -- Directions for disaster nursing research and development -- Epilogue. Disaster recovery: creating sustainable disaster-resistant communities -- Appendix I. Public health preparedness and response: core competency model -- Appendix II: Glossary of terms commonly used in disaster preparedness and response -- Appendix III: Patient isolation precautions -- Appendix IV: Federal Emergency Management Agency: emergency response action steps -- Appendix V: Creating a personal disaster plan.

From the publisher: The new edition of this AJN Book of the Year continues to provide nurses with the most comprehensive, current, and reliable information available so they can develop the skills to efficiently and effectively respond to disasters or public health emergencies. Researched and reviewed by the world's foremost experts in emergency preparedness, the text has been revised and updated with significant new content, including 10 new chapters and a digital adjunct teacher's guide with exercises and critical thinking questions. New chapters address climate change, global complex human emergencies, caring for patients with HIV/AIDS following a disaster, information technology and disaster response, and hospital and emergency department preparedness.

9780826108647 0826108644


101582936 DNLM

Disaster nursing.
Emergency nursing.
Disaster Planning.

RT108 / .D56 2013

616.025 Ven 12

WY 154.2 / D611 2013