Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Are you taking full advantage of Raton? What can we do to help - Raton, New Mexico Raton Range 1981 - 2 p. Newpaper article

Master list item #: 17

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article with pictures of different Raton City employees who may be able to help with different things you may need.

Gurule, Robert City Manager
Bonahoom, Barbara City Commision
Wingo, Jim City Commision
Romero, Don City Commision
Sawaya, Jehmiel
Sproule, Eva City Commision
Pappas, Mike Mayor
Lark, Don Fire Chief
Charles Miller Assistant Fire Chief
Miles, Lloyd Chief of Police
Nieman, Tom City/County Planner
Lloyd, Betty Head Librarian
Trujillo, Joe Street & Sanitation Superintendent
Silva, Joe Director of Public Works
Aragon, Nitch Superintendent of Water

Local History
City Employees

Raton, New Mexico

NM - Cities and Towns - Raton - City Government 36