Pressman, David,
Nolo's patents for beginners Patents for beginners David Pressman, patent agent and Richard Stim, attorney. - 10th edition. - Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2021. - 276 pages ; 23 cm Soft cover book.
Includes index.
Introduction : your legal companion -- Patents and intellectual property law -- Qualifying for a patent -- Invention documentation -- Patent searching -- Reading and writing patents -- Patent prosecution and the pto -- Patent ownership -- Patent infringement -- International patent law -- Help beyond this book.
Provides an introduction to the patenting process, including information on invention documentation, patent searching, patent ownership, and patent infringement.
1413328687 9781413328684
Patent laws and legislation--United States--Popular works.
Patent practice--United States
KF3114.85 / .P737 2021
346.730486 Pre 9
Nolo's patents for beginners Patents for beginners David Pressman, patent agent and Richard Stim, attorney. - 10th edition. - Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2021. - 276 pages ; 23 cm Soft cover book.
Includes index.
Introduction : your legal companion -- Patents and intellectual property law -- Qualifying for a patent -- Invention documentation -- Patent searching -- Reading and writing patents -- Patent prosecution and the pto -- Patent ownership -- Patent infringement -- International patent law -- Help beyond this book.
Provides an introduction to the patenting process, including information on invention documentation, patent searching, patent ownership, and patent infringement.
1413328687 9781413328684
Patent laws and legislation--United States--Popular works.
Patent practice--United States
KF3114.85 / .P737 2021
346.730486 Pre 9