Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

McWilliams, C.S.

The red sea falls upon Cimarron! C.S. McWilliams - Cimarron, NM Cimarron Legend September 10, 1992 - 2 p Newspaper Article

Master List Item # 41

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Article on a massive storm that hit Cimarron and the surrounding area and the damage it caused.

Kutz, Val
Coppage, Barney
Campanella, Eula

Cimarron Legend
Kit Carson
Cimarron Art Gallery

Summer rain
Volunteer Firemen
Damaged Crops

Cimarron, New Mexico
Sangre De Cristo
Maxwell, New Mexico

New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36