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Modern British Poetry A critical Anthology edited by Louis Untermeyer - New York Harcourt, Brace & Company 1930 - 790 p.
Includes Bibliography and Index
Preface; Christina Ross (1830-1894); T.E. Brown (1830-1897); Theodore Watts-Dunton (1832-1914); Lewis Carroll (1832-1898); William Morris (1834-1896); James Thomson (1834-1896); W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911); Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909); John Todhunter (1839-1916); Thomas Hardy (1840-1923); Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (1840-1922)- Austin Dobson (1840-1921); Charles Doughty (1843-1926); Arthur O'Shaughnessy (1844-1881); Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1898); Robert Bridges (1844-1930); Andrew Lang (1844-1912); Eugene Lee-Hamilton (1845-1907); Michael Field; Edmund Gosse (1849-1928); William Ernest Henley (1849-1903); Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894); Alice Meynell (1850-1923) - William Canton (1852-1921); F.W. Bourdillon (1852-1921); Fiona MacLeod (1856-1905); Margaret L. Woods (1856-); Oscar Wilde (1856-1900); John Davidson (1857-1909); A. Mary F. Robinson (1857-); Willam Watson (1858-); Francis Thompson (1859-1907); A.E. Housman (1859-); Douglas Hyde (1860-); Amy Levy (1861-1889); Katharine Tynan Hinkson (1861-1931); Mary E. Coleridge (1861-1907); Owen Seaman(1861-); Norman Gale (1862- ); Eden Phillpotts (1862-) Victor Plarr (1863-1929); A.T. Quiller Couch (1863-); Arthur Symons (1865-); William Butler Yeats (1865-); Herbert Trench (1865-1923); Rudyard Kipling (1865-); Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866-1918); Richard Le Gallienne (1867-); Ernest Dowson (1867-1900); Lionel Johnson (1867-1902); Stephen Phillips (1868-1915); Laurence Binyon (1869-); Charlotte Mew (1870-1928); Alfred Douglas (1870-); T. Sturge Moore (1870-); Hilaire Belloc (1870-); Anthony C. Deane (1870-); William H. Davies (1870-); J.M. Synge (1871-1909); Nora Hopper Chesson (1871-); Eva Gore-Booth (1871-); Moira O'Niell; Ralph Hodgson (1872-); Charles Dalmon (1872-); John McCrae (1871-1918); Ford Madox (Hueffer) Ford (1873-); Walter De La Mare (1873-); G.K. Chesterton (1874-); Gordon Bottomley (1874-); Evelyn Underhill (1875-); A.E. Coppard (1878-);Thoma MacDonagh (1878-1916); Seumas O'Sullivan (1878-); Edward Thomas (1878-1917); John Masefield (1878-); Lord Dunsany (1878-); Harold Monro (1879-); W.W. Gibson (1880-); T.M. Kettle (1880-1916); Alfred Noyes (1880-);Padraic Colum (1881-); Joseph Campbell (1881-); John Freeman (1881-1929); Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-); James Stephens (1882-); Martin Armstrong (1882-); John Drinkwater (1882-); James Joyce (1882-); Francis Brett Young (1884-); J.C. Squire (1884-); James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915); Anna Wickham (1884-); D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930); F.S. Flint (1885-); Thomas Burke; Gerald Gould (1885-); Humbert Wolfe (1885-); Shane Leslie (1885-); Frances Cornford (1885-); T.E. Hulme (1886-1917); Stegfried Sassoon (1886-); Rupert Brooke (1887-1915); Winifred M. Letts; Joseph Plunkett (1887-1916); Edwin Muir (1887-); Edith Sitwell (1887-);F.W. Harvey (1888-); Arthur Waley (1889-); W.J. Turner (1889-); T.P. Cameron Wilson (1889-1918); Viola Meynell; Dorothy M. Richardson; Camilla Doyle; Muriel Stuart; Fredegond Shove; Rose Macaulay; Theodore Maynard (1890-); Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918); Francis Ledwidge (1891-1917); Irene Rutherford McLeod (1891-); Francis Meynell (1891); Richard Aldington (1892-); Edward Shanks (1892-); Stella Benson (1892-); V. Sackville-West (1892-); Osbert Sitwell (1892-); F.V. Branford (1892-); Robert Nichols (1893-); Wilfred Owen (1893-1918); Frank Prewett (1893-); Richard Church (1893-); Frank Kendon (1893-); Herbert Read (1892-); Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893-); Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-); Aldous Huxley (1894-); Charles Hamilton Sorley (1895-1915); Robert Graves (1895-); Louis Golding (1895-); L.A.G. Strong (1896-); Edmund Blunden (1896-); Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-); Edgell Rickword (1898-); Richard Hughes (1900-); Roy Campbell (1902-); Frederick C. Boden (1902-); Peter Quennell (1905-); Louis MacNeice; Stephen Spender (1909-)
English poetry --19th century
English poetry --20th century
821.08 Mod 14
Modern British Poetry A critical Anthology edited by Louis Untermeyer - New York Harcourt, Brace & Company 1930 - 790 p.
Includes Bibliography and Index
Preface; Christina Ross (1830-1894); T.E. Brown (1830-1897); Theodore Watts-Dunton (1832-1914); Lewis Carroll (1832-1898); William Morris (1834-1896); James Thomson (1834-1896); W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911); Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909); John Todhunter (1839-1916); Thomas Hardy (1840-1923); Wilfrid Scawen Blunt (1840-1922)- Austin Dobson (1840-1921); Charles Doughty (1843-1926); Arthur O'Shaughnessy (1844-1881); Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1898); Robert Bridges (1844-1930); Andrew Lang (1844-1912); Eugene Lee-Hamilton (1845-1907); Michael Field; Edmund Gosse (1849-1928); William Ernest Henley (1849-1903); Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894); Alice Meynell (1850-1923) - William Canton (1852-1921); F.W. Bourdillon (1852-1921); Fiona MacLeod (1856-1905); Margaret L. Woods (1856-); Oscar Wilde (1856-1900); John Davidson (1857-1909); A. Mary F. Robinson (1857-); Willam Watson (1858-); Francis Thompson (1859-1907); A.E. Housman (1859-); Douglas Hyde (1860-); Amy Levy (1861-1889); Katharine Tynan Hinkson (1861-1931); Mary E. Coleridge (1861-1907); Owen Seaman(1861-); Norman Gale (1862- ); Eden Phillpotts (1862-) Victor Plarr (1863-1929); A.T. Quiller Couch (1863-); Arthur Symons (1865-); William Butler Yeats (1865-); Herbert Trench (1865-1923); Rudyard Kipling (1865-); Dora Sigerson Shorter (1866-1918); Richard Le Gallienne (1867-); Ernest Dowson (1867-1900); Lionel Johnson (1867-1902); Stephen Phillips (1868-1915); Laurence Binyon (1869-); Charlotte Mew (1870-1928); Alfred Douglas (1870-); T. Sturge Moore (1870-); Hilaire Belloc (1870-); Anthony C. Deane (1870-); William H. Davies (1870-); J.M. Synge (1871-1909); Nora Hopper Chesson (1871-); Eva Gore-Booth (1871-); Moira O'Niell; Ralph Hodgson (1872-); Charles Dalmon (1872-); John McCrae (1871-1918); Ford Madox (Hueffer) Ford (1873-); Walter De La Mare (1873-); G.K. Chesterton (1874-); Gordon Bottomley (1874-); Evelyn Underhill (1875-); A.E. Coppard (1878-);Thoma MacDonagh (1878-1916); Seumas O'Sullivan (1878-); Edward Thomas (1878-1917); John Masefield (1878-); Lord Dunsany (1878-); Harold Monro (1879-); W.W. Gibson (1880-); T.M. Kettle (1880-1916); Alfred Noyes (1880-);Padraic Colum (1881-); Joseph Campbell (1881-); John Freeman (1881-1929); Lascelles Abercrombie (1881-); James Stephens (1882-); Martin Armstrong (1882-); John Drinkwater (1882-); James Joyce (1882-); Francis Brett Young (1884-); J.C. Squire (1884-); James Elroy Flecker (1884-1915); Anna Wickham (1884-); D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930); F.S. Flint (1885-); Thomas Burke; Gerald Gould (1885-); Humbert Wolfe (1885-); Shane Leslie (1885-); Frances Cornford (1885-); T.E. Hulme (1886-1917); Stegfried Sassoon (1886-); Rupert Brooke (1887-1915); Winifred M. Letts; Joseph Plunkett (1887-1916); Edwin Muir (1887-); Edith Sitwell (1887-);F.W. Harvey (1888-); Arthur Waley (1889-); W.J. Turner (1889-); T.P. Cameron Wilson (1889-1918); Viola Meynell; Dorothy M. Richardson; Camilla Doyle; Muriel Stuart; Fredegond Shove; Rose Macaulay; Theodore Maynard (1890-); Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918); Francis Ledwidge (1891-1917); Irene Rutherford McLeod (1891-); Francis Meynell (1891); Richard Aldington (1892-); Edward Shanks (1892-); Stella Benson (1892-); V. Sackville-West (1892-); Osbert Sitwell (1892-); F.V. Branford (1892-); Robert Nichols (1893-); Wilfred Owen (1893-1918); Frank Prewett (1893-); Richard Church (1893-); Frank Kendon (1893-); Herbert Read (1892-); Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893-); Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-); Aldous Huxley (1894-); Charles Hamilton Sorley (1895-1915); Robert Graves (1895-); Louis Golding (1895-); L.A.G. Strong (1896-); Edmund Blunden (1896-); Sacheverell Sitwell (1897-); Edgell Rickword (1898-); Richard Hughes (1900-); Roy Campbell (1902-); Frederick C. Boden (1902-); Peter Quennell (1905-); Louis MacNeice; Stephen Spender (1909-)
English poetry --19th century
English poetry --20th century
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