Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Horikoshi, Kohei

My hero academia volume 34 United States of America My hero academia Volume thirty four United States of America My hero academia Vol. 34 story & art, Kohei Horikoshi ; translation & English adaptation, Caleb Cook ; touch-up art and lettering, John Hurt. - Shonen Jump edition - San Francisco, CA VIZ Media, LLC 2023 - 178 pages chiefly illustrations 20 cm - My Hero Academia vol. 34 . - Shonen Jump manga .

"First published in Japan in 2014 by SHUEISHA Inc., Tokyo."--Colophon. Reads from right to left in the traditional Japanese format.

"All For One's will has taken root in Tomura's mind, and this new entity is now a global threat. Even so, the United Nations is hesitant to dispatch heroes to Japan, but Star and Stripe--the U.S.A.'s number one hero--arrives to tackle this menace head-on. In the skies over the Pacific, the combatants size each other up, trying to gain an advantage, but there's no telling who'll be left standing after the dust settles on this epic duel..."--Back cover.

Rated T for teen.

In English, translated from the Japanese.

9781974736638 1974736636

021016394 Uk

High school students--Comic books, strips, etc
Superheroes--Comic books, strips, etc
High schools--Comic books, strips, etc
Schools--Comic books, strips, etc
Graphic novels--Japan
Cartoons and comics
Ability--Comic books, strips, etc
Heroes and heroines--Fiction

PN6790.J34 / B64713 2023 v. 34

yHor 75