Wolle, Muriel Sibell
Stampede to timberline; the ghost towns and mining camps of Colorado; written and illus. by Muriel Sibell Wolle. - Boulder, Colo. : Muriel Sibell Wolle 1949 - 544 p. : illus., maps ; 26 cm.
Lithography by Poertner Lithography, Denver, Colorado.
Mines and mineral resources--Colorado.
F776 / .W66
978.8 Wol 15
Stampede to timberline; the ghost towns and mining camps of Colorado; written and illus. by Muriel Sibell Wolle. - Boulder, Colo. : Muriel Sibell Wolle 1949 - 544 p. : illus., maps ; 26 cm.
Lithography by Poertner Lithography, Denver, Colorado.
Mines and mineral resources--Colorado.
F776 / .W66
978.8 Wol 15