Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Curtius, Ernst

History of Greece: Vol. III by Ernst Curtius and Translated by Adolphus William Ward - New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1899 - 598 p. - The history of Greece 5 Volumes Vol. III .

Includes Index

v. 1. The Greeks before the Dorian migration. From the Dorian migration to the Persian Wars --
v. 2. From the Dorian migration to the Persian Wars (cont.). From the Termination of the Ionian Revolt to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War --
v. 3. The Peloponnesian War --
v. 4. Sparta supreme in Greece. Thebes the Great Power of Greece --
v. 5. Macedonia and Greece. Book the Fourth - The Peloponnesian War - Appendix - Index to Vol. III


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