Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Hacker, Marilyn frey50
Published by : Alfred A. Knopf (New York) , 1976 Physical details: 109 p. ISBN:0-394-40070-4. ISSN:0-394-731
Subject(s): American Poetry
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
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800 - 899 811.54 Hac (Browse shelf) Available 44911

Geographer; Geographer; The terrible children; The terrible children; Jeremy Bentham in Guanajuato; Senora P.; The song of Liadan; Poem for Edwin Dickinson; Catherine; Catherine in love; Catherine Pregnant; Catherine married; Equinoctial; Some of the boys; Birmingham; September; Godfather Poem; After the revolution -- The last time: Alba:March; Living on the edge; Chagrin d' Amour; Somewhere in a turret; Two farewells; Stones, Jewels, Sonnet; Return; Imaginary translation; Suggestions fo travel; Occasional verses; After catullus; Geode; La Vie de Chateau; Villanelle: late summer; Gifts; Rhetoric; The life of a female artist is full of Vicissitudes; The last time -- Prism and lens: Prism and lens; Three seasons: 1944; The callers; the companion -- Seperation: Seperation