Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The Contemporary American poets

by Strand, Mark frey50
Additional authors: Editor -- Strand, Mark
Published by : World Publishing Company (New York) , 1969 Physical details: p. 390
Subject(s): American poetry -- Collections
Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.

Includes bibliographical and index.

A.R. Ammons - Alan Ansen - John Ashbery - Marvin Bell - Michael Benedikt - John Berryman - Elizabeth Bishop - Robert Bly - Philp Booth - Edgar Bowers - Tom Clark - Gregory Corso - Henri Coulette - Robert Creeley - J. V. Cunningham - James Dickey - William Dickey - Alan Dugan - Alvin Feinman - Edward Field - Donald Finkel - Isabella Gardner - Jack Gilbert - Allen Ginsberg - Louise Gluck - Paul Goodman - John haines - Donald Hall - Kenneth O. Hanson - Anthony Hecht - Daryl Hine - Daniel Hoffman - John Hollander - Richard Howard - Barbara Howes - Robert Huff - Richard Hugo - David Ignatow - Randall Jarrell - Le Roe Jones - Donald Justice - Weldon Kees - J. Kennedy - Galway Kinnell - Carolyn Kizer - Kenneth Koch - Al Lee - Denise Levertov - Philip Levine - Laurence Lieberman - John Logan - Robert Lowell - William H. Matchett - E.L. Mayo - William Meredith - James Merrill - W.S. Merwin - Howard Moss - Stanley Moss - Lisel Mueller - Howard Nemerov - Frank O'Hara - Charles Olson - Robert Pack - Donald Peterson - Sylvia Plath - Adrienne Rich - Theodore Roethke - James Schuyler- Winfield Townley Scott - Anne Sexton - Karl Shapiro - Charles Simic - Louis Simpson - L.E. Sissman - William Jay Smith - W.D. Snodgrass - Gary Snyder - William Stafford - Mark Strand - Robert Sward - May Swenson - James Tate - Constance Urdang - Peter Viereck - David Wagoner - Diane Wakoski - Theodore Weiss - Reed Whittemore - Richard Wilbur - Charles Wright - James Wright