Down the seine and up the Potomac with Art Buchwald
by Buchwald, Art frey50
Published by : G. P. Putnam's Son (New York) , 1977 Physical details: 500 p. ISBN:039912019x.Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
800 - 899 | 818.507 Buc (Browse shelf) | Available | 47856 |
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818.5 Lin Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead | 818.5 McK William Allen White: | 818.5 Sin Jack: | 818.507 Buc Down the seine and up the Potomac with Art Buchwald | 818.52 Lon Jack London's tales of adventure | 818.52 McC The life and writing of Fray Angelico Chavez : | 818.52 Ott The parables of Kahlil Gibran |
Introduction : "I Did what I could"
Part I The six-minute Louvre - The good and the bad - How to sit at a cafe - How to crash the international set - Dear Mary , Please come home - Louis XIV in Venice - Auto Polo in Paris
Part II Venice a La Hemingway - Week end with the mob - The great bat hunt - Coward in the Congo - The great Grimaldi Feud - White hunter, red fox - Bulls - Chacun a Son Gout, or why we eat turkey for Thanksgiving
Part III To Russia with love - A Weekend in the Country - The Mona Lisa crouch - The order of the Three Star Liver - The time killer - Only a passing interest - Calling your loved ones - The facts of life No. 1 - No finger in the dike - A strange amusing people - Salesmanship in Europe
Part IV The seven year itch - How to get your heatre fixed - It's better to give? - Pay the two Francs - The storyteller - Little known festivals in Europe - A promise made is, Etc., Etc. - It pukers your mouth - The Frenchman and his car - the helath nuts - Let's see who salutes - Economy Drives we have known - The Nationa Italian sport
Part V Anyone for hamburger? - The monther-in-law - Four sleepless nights - Old buses never die - if you're a woman, don't vote - The Social Climber - The Missile Explained - Lovelost finds its way - Two happy people - The best-dressed man in Hong Kong - Italians excel in pinching Miss Taylor - Hagerty was here - The smashing tailors of Beersheba - Cat on a hot tin something
Part VI Dinner Guest for rent - La Real dolce Vita -Happy Birthday to you - Seventeen years in France - Secretaries run U.S. - Charity starts in Florida - Everybody is doing it - On the art of stealing - U. S. is short of reds - Destiny's deckhand
Part VII In time of crisis - Washington parties are very revealing - life begins at sixty - Kid swapping in the United States - Household fatigue - That's my boy - Love in Paris and Red tape too - Baseball a la Greque - What's wrong with TV
Part VIII The Ballyhoo gets to him - What he doesn't know - Who's on first base? - Top secret plane - Our Defenses are down - Solving the overkill problem - Keeping us informed - The affair - The wayward bus - Blue eyes and green teeth - The guest stealers - Leaves of grass - The Karate expert - That's show biz - I am the greatest - Subtitles for old books - Farewell to Mark - The tree surgeon - Help wanted, Tovarich - How are things in Nonamura? - Head of the class - How to reorganize a Coup - Why Russians defect
Part IX If Barry Goldwater had been elected - regrets only - Friendly Persuasion - Escalation - Indoctriantion - The carrot and the stick - Peace is hell - Crack troops of Nonomura - The Desegregated Bull - Alabama Literacy Test - Too hot in the kitchen - Oh say can you see? - The curse - The pop sculptor - Who discovered Columbus? - Extry Extry - The odd couple - Good news is no news - No trouble in Zemululu - -A merry Dr. Spock - Why parents can't add - A ruthless conspiracy - Pajama Party - The war on poverty - the Last American - The new diplomats - La Enchilada - State visit - City for sale
Part X Inflation in the nursery - Who's worried? - Know your enemy - Down the rapids with Bobby - No, Virginia, ther isn't - Hhow the Soviets helped Israel - A guide to the crisis - Everyone is merging - The third largest industry - the human engineer - Bombs for sale - Fresh air will kill you - How un-american can you get? - Meeting of the minds - The securtiy check - Thoughts of a Candidate's wife - The Anatomy of a leader
Part XI Confidential note to the reader: why I can't write a dirty book - Upping prison requirements - What to do after World War III - The man who paid all his taxes - You can't buck the establishment - Sore loser - How to bake a Sunday paper - Sex Ed, the pros and cons - The Christmas Play - Europe According to peanuts - The computer that failed - Curing a Phobia - The sleep in - He got his notice - Oh, to be a swinger - The Kremlin Watchers - Hospitals are new status symbols - Warranties I have known - First read the instructions - Not for wives - How they broke the news to Johnson - A breathrough in air travel
Part XII The greates column - Happy Halloween - What is wrong - First the bible, then Shakespeare - The shock of recognition - White rats have all the fun - which side are you on? - Mother nature's last will - School for luggage handlers - Saving the railroads - Earth Day - South Pacific - The Great American Rat Race - Easy Rider - The Loved Ones - a nation of banks - Before the Ax Falls - The Pro Football murder mystery - For the Entire family - What not to say - Children of your choice - You have a service contract - The no Knock on the door - The Pothole Convention - The great Data Famine - On buying a flag - Why Fathers go broke - The cleanest shirt in Town
Part XIII Nixon talks to God- Richard the tird (with no apologies to Shakespeare) - Inspector Columbo at the White House - A Blow against Castro - The never ending Watergate Saga - Future shock - No peace dividend - Th mystery is solved - What did they do to Scotty? - Mao comes to America - The poems of Richard Nixon - Kissinger's Stomachache - hurts rent a gun - The facts fo life no. 2 - Finding oneself - the drowinging plan - the bad black problem - Christmas cards tell all - A prayer for tourists - How not to write a book - A Pig Confesses - The trouth about book reviews - Last flat in Paris - Job hunting - Pictures form Vietnam - I was a beard for Erro Flynn and Found God
Part XIV Before Watergate - Would you Believe? - The Class action suit - Alice in Washington - The oil villain - A new bundling plan - Fasten your belt - Use less, pay more - Expletive deleted - What did Henry give? - A vistit with checkers - How Kisinger got married - A humdinger explantaion
Part XV Recycling oil money - Mother of exiles - Medical adertising is almos here - Dinner in Paris - collect call - The most unforgettable Swordsman I ever met - Breaking the tax code - Thw Washington Triangle - They need a rest - Teh great leap forward - Lockheed kickback 1100 - The worlds loves a lobber - Mother's tennis - Mail day - How the Recession happened - No frills on the airlines - God Bless little old ladies - Guess who came to dinner - Godd Business fo CIA - Gift giving in Washington - and nobody laughed - Advantage, God - You kept telling me there was not better place to live
Offers perhaps the single most entertaining work by an American huorist of our century and confirms the opions of countless critics, a few of whom are cited.