Little adobe houses - Gadgets overtake the bodgets - The grand repast - Home-keeping hearts - Language of the heart - Tienda testing ground - That Carmencita wins again - The fifth ear of corn - Son of Koshare - Violeta beauty shop - Off the paved roads - A shepherding land - Flicker's feather - Part of the gift - In such a time of Quietude - Cobwebs and cables - The bed of Sabelita - The eyes see; the heart knows - Snow in adobe land - Those Christmas windows - Bilingual bewilderment - Sweet singing land - Old sons and new inventions - Acequias are open now - The laughter of Genoveva - Indigenous - Land of a fourth dimension - Pattern named runaway - time in Tenorio Flat - "Passed by Here" - One little indian girl - The rhythm of Jemez - Adboe Madonna - The singing heart - Awake in the sun - Old crossroads of the nation