Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Khayyam, Omar frey50
Additional authors: Translator -- FitzGerald, Edward | Ed. -- Untermeyer, Louis
Published by : The Random House, Inc. (New York) , 1902 Physical details: 149 p.
Subject(s): Iranian literature
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800 - 899 891.5 Kha (Browse shelf) Available 23085

Translated into English Quatrains by Edward FitzGerald. A Complete reprint of the first edition and the combined third, fourth, and fifth editions, with an Appendix containing FitzGerald's Prefaces and notes. Edited with an Introduction by Louis Untermeyer

Introduction to Louis Untermeyer Rubaitat of Omar Khayyam First edition Third, fourth and fifth editions FitzGerald's prefaces and notes