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Origins of intellect

by Phillips, John L.
Published by : W. H. Freeman & Co. (San Francisco, California) Physical details: 205 p ISBN:071670580-x. Year: 1975
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100 - 199 155.413 Phi (Browse shelf) Available 49260

1. Introduction : Piaget and his methods ; Relation to American psychology ; Evolutionary perspective ; Structure and function ; Relations among concepts ; Equilibration ; Factors in development ; Developmental units
2. Sensorimotor period (0-2 years) : The six stages ; Imitation and play, a summary
Preoperational period (2-7 years) : Advances ; Limitations
4. Concrete operations period (7-11) : Properties of groups and groupings ; Some representative problems
5. Formal operations period (11-15 years) : Archimedes' law of floating bodies ; Concrete operations applied to the floating bodies problem ; Operations on operations ; The real versus the possible ; Egocentrism : "Formal" as pertaining to form
6. Educational implications: an epilogue : Teaching: principles ; Teaching: examples ; Testing ; Further comments and residual questions